The Executive Yuan yesterday approved two draft amendments to reduce pension benefits for political appointees and public employees, with the drafts outlining larger pension cuts than the Exa銀行貸款利率2017mination Yuan’s versions.銀行貸款利率比較
The Examinat代書信貸當日撥款ion Yuan’s proposals 跟銀行借錢seek smaller cuts, with the replacement ratio of ministerial-level appointees to be lowered from 65 percent to 55 percent over 10 years and that of other appointees to be lowered from 80 percent to 70 percent.
高雄市青年創業貸款率條件民間代書急件By Chen Wei買車分期條件-han / Staff reporter
In terms of retirement benefits for political appointees, the Executive Yuan’s amendment would lower the income replacement ratio by 15 percentage points over 15 years. The replacement ratio of ministerial-level appointees would be lowered from 65 percent to 50 percent and the replacement ratio of other appointees would be lowered from 75 percent to 60 percent.
青創貸款條件In terms of qualification for survivor benefits, the Executive Yuan’s proposal stipulates that underage children or the spo信用瑕疵房貸民間2胎房貸use of a deceased political appointee can receive half the mont債務協商信用破產hly pension paid to the appointee, but the spouse must be aged 65 or older and had been married to the appointee for at least 15 years.
In terms of phasing out the 18 percent preferential savings rate, the Executive Yuan’s version would exempt appointees who receive a monthly pension of less than NT$32,160, while the Examination Yuan’s proposal would allow ministerial appointees to retain the preferential rate should their income replacement rate drop to less than 55 percent over the course of pension reform and other appointees would retain the 18 percent saving rate should their income replacement rate drop to less than 70 percent.
小額信貸10萬代書借款陷阱The Executive Yuan approved a draft amendment to the Act Governing the Recompense for the Discharge of Special Political Appointees (政務人員退職撫卹條例) and a draft amendment to the Civil Servant and Teacher Insurance Act (公教人員保險法), which differed from the amendments proposed by the Examination Yuan, although they all seek to phase out an 18 percent preferential savings rate 高雄市貸款代辦公司政府結婚貸款貸款試算表excelfor retired public employees, lower the income replacement rate, extend the retirement age and increase pension premium rates.新車車貸利率多少
The Examination Yuan’s version has similar requirements for survivor benefits, except that spouses would be entitled to the benefits if they are aged 55 or older and had been married for at least 10 years.
高雄小額借貸快速撥款In terms of civil servants’ and teachers’ pension各家銀行車貸利率比較2017s, the Executive Yuan’s pro汽車借款行照posal differs from the Examination Yuan’s only in the category 汽車增貸問題of survivor benefits.
The Examination Yuan’s amendment would entitle the widows or widowers of deceased civil servants or teachers to survivor benefits if they are aged 55 or older and had been married for at least個人信貸額度上限 two years, while the Executive Yuan’s version sets the age limit at 65 with a marriage duration of at least 15 years.
The draft amendments prepared by the Executive Yuan and the Examination Yuan 台北代書借款房屋增貸買房are to be jointly reviewed by the legislature.軍公教貸款利率
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